Monday, February 16, 2009

Point to B(us)!

Exciting News! Prefuse 73 + School of Seven Bells (ex-Secret Machines poppy shoegaze) + Kyte(Post-rock for post-rock's sake) + others to play Start The Bus in Bristol, 28th February. Tickets can be ordered for a measly £4 from here. The big cajone Prefuse is going to be "off the meat rack" with his blend of schizophrenic trip-over hop (lol) in the form of a Dj set until 3am. If you dont know Prefuse then get your ignorant chops around this bad babysittter:

This evening is likely to afford many an opportunity to make an angry dance music face, along with whatever face you might make when listening to post rock. Try watching this shimmering little M
úm-esque ditty from Kyte, and please report back with whatever face you pull. Im struggling to get beyond glazed at the moment.


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